Houston Visual Artist Network
"Artists Enhancing Spaces"
We have uniform website pages to present a professional website to our viewers. Please follow the requirements below so your artwork can be on the website.
After your application has been approved and your dues paid...
We need a headshot and two images of your artwork.
The images must be 350px on the longest side.
Please send them in one email to rodneydbutler.artist@gmail.com with "Images HVAN" in the subject line.
Your artist statement must be from one sentence to a maximum of 150 words. Your bio must be a maximum of 150 words.
Your contact information must include your name, phone number, email address, and website address.
Please send your contact information, artist statement, and bio in one email to irissalmins@gmail.com with "Text HVAN" in the subject line. Please follow the requirements below so your artwork can be on the website.
Your content will be added on Fridays.
Any addition, deletion, or changes will be made every four months after the last maintenance on your profile.
Content Change Schedule
Liz Plaster - June 2025